So, what time do you get up in the morning? I have to admit that it’s been a lot of years since I’ve had a “real” job where I needed to rise at a specific time. As opposed to being the stay at home wife of a farmer. And truthfully, that job consists of mostly – nothing. Oh sure, I used to work in the field during sugarbeet harvest but I’ve resigned, retired, and quit that position after last year’s harvest. I’ve quit a number of times in the past without the desired result but I must have used my hidden assertive side this time and they believed me. They hired another truck driver and my brother-in-law took my spot. Harvest started last night (technically it was this morning, but it’s so hard to call it morning when it’s really the middle of the night, you know?) at 2 am, and I stayed in bed! Can you say Happy Dance? Woo-Hoo!
I don’t know why you are reading this. I do it every time. I start out with one thought in mind to mention and before I know it, my fingers have run away from my brain and gone off on a whole other tangent. What’s with that? Am I dyslectic, bipolar or just a bit on the strange side? (please pick option #3) But getting back to the question of what time do you get up. I was up before the rooster (again) this morning. Yep. 5 a.m. I find that as I get older, I tend to not sleep as late as I used to. But seriously, 5 a.m? I knew there was a 4 pm and a 5 pm but 4 or 5 am? Apparently I didn’t want to miss a second of my birthday. Not! Who needs birthdays? They are so over rated, unless you’re under 20. After that, a person starts to get nervous about the number and then after that you just want to forget that number and then after that you really do forget the number. My MIL is in that category. She always asks, “how old am I"? I tell her she’s 93 and she says she thought she was at least 100. I would think you’d want to reduce the number not increase it.
It’s been so long since I’ve written so I have a lot of pictures stacked up. I’ll try to not get too carried away. One of our sons is an Optometrist here in west central Minnesota. Last week at the Minnesota Optometric Association convention, he was surprised to receive this award:

This is a huge honor and we are so proud of him. With or without an award, he’s a great man, husband, father and son.
Now and then we are blessed to babysit our grandson, age 2. After he’d been doing some gymnastic type moves, he sat nicely in the chair & looked innocent. Uh, huh. Innocent. BTW, lovely chair, isn’t it? I have 2 of them and they are fairly new – I love the chairs but I also have a farmer & a dog who like to sit in them. Do you blame me for covering them?

When you’re 2 and you eat fresh peaches and cream, this is what happens:

There’s that innocent look again! Ha.
Here is where I was going to add a million or so photos of a house tour I went to a couple weeks ago with Ms. Karen, Jolene & Jean. It was an 1890’s farmhouse that had been very lovingly and creatively restored and decorated. I was going to make a smilebox but I discovered that most of my pictures were sideways which would really be viewed best laying down on your side. Oh, botheration. I really don’t want to take kthe time to learn how to rotate them without losing so much of the picture. How’s this? If you want to see some of the house, amazing wood shop and beautiful garden landscaping, just head on over to Ms. Karen’s blog My Yellow Farmhouse.
At our last Threads “meeting”, Lori had these awesome pieces to show. The little stitchery will be framed and given as a gift. THEN, take a peek-e-poo at the little quilt. I can only hope it will be given as a gift – to me of course! No??????

This little baptismal gown was made by a friend of mine for her granddaughter. What a lucky little girl!

The Woolies enjoyed a great day at Denise’s newly remodeled lake home. They made some major changes and additions and it turned out wonderful. I wish I had better pictures but I have only a snippet here & there. But maybe it’s enough to be a little teaser.

I want to point out – the coolest silverware I’ve ever seen!

I guess you can’t tell here, but this tray is mounted on the wall and serves as a frame for this little quilt. Adorable!

I’m not sure, but I think Denise’s hubby made this super-simple bench. I just love it.

Just a few more pictures and I’m going to let you go for today………..
A little show & tell from Ms. Denise. Among her many talents is punch needle projects. I love ‘em all!

I made the little bread board for this one which she told me today she has painted and the old witch has been attached to it and hung on the wall. I’ll bet it looks great.
And from Ms. Karen, a little project she’s working on. Another winner Karen!

I’ve been working in my woodshop to make some crap – oops, I mean lovely works of art for a craft show on Oct. 12th along with Ms. Jean and Ms. Jolene. Here are just a couple of the things that will be up for sale:
An iPad stand:

A couple pumpkins of course

Yes, this is on Denise’s wall but I made similar ones in both black and red.

I hope to get some decent pictures of my crap before the big show.
Well, this old lady needs to toddle off to bed. Up early again tomorrow to leave the house by 6:40 to meet Ms. Karen and a couple of her peeps for a little road trip. Oh, gosh, I hope we have some fun…………………………..don’t worry, we’ll be fine!